One thing that really bugs me is people that milk the system.. so they don't have to work. In a time where we are in a real depression, people are losing homes, well being, and jobs every day, and there are still people milking our broke system of every dime. It's time to stop that. Make them contribute .. if they are able to work.Why can't we make our own jobs, create new things, new ideas.. not depending on someone else all the time? Why is it that 3rd world countries, with a different work ethic.. make everything we use? Why can't we figure a way to do it and get ourselves out of this mess?
We are all sitting around waiting for Obama or a state governor to fix everything for us. That is the problem. Why can't we all as a nation figure out together how to get out of this mess? With the way we can create, innovate, and technologically produce such amazing products.. why can't we fix our current economy? Where are the ideas?
We need jobs. so let's create them.. We need to make things, create things, come up with new ideas, instead of waiting for someone else to fix the problem. We need to do things smart.. and win this thing because we all still have to live here.. and make the best of it.
Ok ... off my soap box .. I'm just sayin...