Being an artist has it's benefits. During hard times we have the ability to create things that make people realize there is still beauty and peace in the world amongst the chaos. As small as it may seem, the brief moment it takes to stop and gaze at a beautiful painting, work of art, or listen to a great play or see a great film or theater production temporarily takes us away from all the despair going on in the world these days.
There is so much wrong with the way things are going right now in politics and the world economy. There has to be a way to use creativity and foresight to find a way through this. We are too smart and too great a nation to let this bad governing and bad decisions of late ruin our futures and our children's futures. When people have worked their entire lives to build a secure future and then all of a sudden have nothing to show for it.. losing savings, house value, every financial security for so many .. creating such great stress, loss, and dispair, something is very very wrong.
We need good leadership again, we need innovation, we need to solve this problem instead of making it worse every single day. We are failing and are falling.. and falling very hard.. history books are being written in our own lives right now. That's a fact.
Throughout history when people have lost everything and are fighting to feed their families and be able to work to provide for themselves revolutions have occurred. I think we are on the cusp of such a time. People are not just going to sit by forever and let these fools in Washington ruin our future forever. Something drastic needs to happen to change the course of history. Eventually it will happen. I just hope it isn't too late before a real disaster presents itself and we aren't able to handle it.
Just my vent on what seems to be a very very difficult time right now. I have gone through great loss myself because of this mess and I am ready for things to turn around. Each brush stroke takes me there.. and each step I take is hopefully toward a brighter future. I just hope the same is true for the USA... and all of my friends around the world.